The Collective Podcast

Tech Tactics for Scaling Your Marketing

Next Level Loan Officers Season 1 Episode 257

In this episode of the Next Level Podcast, Shane, Sean and Kyle dive into the exhilarating world of sales and marketing with special guest Darin Rhodes. Discover how the right strategies, paired with effective technology use, can transform your approach to CRM and lead generation!

04:23- The Need for Execution and Strategy in Marketing

10:42 - Applying the Marketing Formula to Loan Officers

21:45 - The Power of Making Offers to Solve Problems

27:29 - Using Technology to Scale Offers to the Right Audience

Ideas are plentiful, but execution is key. Shift your energy from collecting new strategies to implementing what you already know. It’s all about the practical steps—block and tackle.

If you’re using a CRM system or any significant piece of technology, take the time to really understand it. Purchasing a tool isn’t enough; you need to know how to leverage it effectively to benefit your business.

Always circle back to assess the effectiveness of strategies and tools. If something isn’t working, adjust the strategy rather than abandoning the tool.
 While technology is essential, the human element—how you interact with and utilize the technology—is what makes the difference in providing value.



"It's really not about the technology as much as it is that that's just the tool that the best chefs use to make Michelin star menus, right? But it's not, it's not the tool, it's the chef."
 "Your content always springs from your strategy, not the other way around."
 "I don't want any more ideas. There are enough ideas already out there for me to have for the rest of my entrepreneurial life. I want to know how to execute."
 "I think there's a fifth part, which is the reevaluation at the end, which you talked about. But like, if people have never done this, that's probably one of the most important steps."

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